Legibility is everything, and choosing the right font will significantly impact the overall user experience of your mobile apps. Legibility refers to how well one individual letter or character can be distinguished from another in a typeface.

The rule of thumb for a good UI font is legibility, readability, and usability. Needless to say, choosing the right font is a lot of pressure. You need to be able to anticipate the user's thoughts and emotions, then take steps in your design to solve them. That’s why understanding human psychology is a critical component of UX/UI design. Even if they can’t pinpoint why, stakeholders, clients, and users alike may subconsciously know there’s something not-quite-right with your design. Lousy typography is easy to spot, even for non-design-oriented users. Even a slightly misaligned header will repel a user instantly or leave them feeling a little uneasy about the entire experience. Unfortunately, using the wrong font has the opposite effect. It can communicate more to a user in a single glance than a wall of text or branding ever could while keeping them engaged. The right font choice can work wonders for any design. Without a doubt, fonts are one of the most critical elements in UI design. There’s no denying it-bad typography sticks out.