
Diamond symbol in hunter call of the wild
Diamond symbol in hunter call of the wild

diamond symbol in hunter call of the wild

The longer you hold your breath, or the faster you move.

diamond symbol in hunter call of the wild

When your heart rate reaches the red zone you will no longer be able to steady your shot by holding your breath. The faster it is beating, the closer to being "red zone" you are. Lighter wind = Scent will travel in a shorter, wider area

diamond symbol in hunter call of the wild

Stronger wind = Scent will travel in a longer, narrower area however even when you use these, your own scent can be detected once they come close enough. This is also the direction that the purchasable animal scents you use will travel. You can use the scent eliminator to reduce the distance that you scent travels, but it does not ELIMINATE your scent. Animals will notice you more quickly if they are downwind of your scent. On your compass you'll notice a triangle that indicates the "down wind" of your scent. Keep in mind there is a range and to what end of this range depends on animal species and its level/difficulty : This is a rough estimate but should be pretty close.

Diamond symbol in hunter call of the wild