
Frilo statik
Frilo statik

frilo statik

The calculation can include several combinations of action-effects that you enter via a table. When performing a bending design calculation, you can optionally include the concrete area displaced in the compression zone of the steel, which is of particular impor- tance where high-strength con- cretes are concerned. You can optionally consider tension rigidity in the calculation of effec- tive rigidity.

frilo statik

The entered exposure classes allow you to calculate the durability re- quirements (minimum concrete class, concrete cover and require- ment class for crack width evi- dence) in dialogs. These material peculiarities can also be considered in the acci- dental and earthquake design situa- tions. Design DIN EN 1992 ÖNORM EN 1992 BS EN 1992 UNI EN 1992 / NTC EN 19 / DIN 1045-1 ÖNORM B 4700 British Standard BS 8110 und BS 8500-1 NEN EN 1992 NBN EN 1992 CSN EN 1992 PN EN 1992 When calculating in accordance with DIN 1045-1 and Eurocode, you can include high-strength and light- weight concretes as well as reduced material factors for precast compo- nents.

frilo statik

Additionally, you can produce crack width evi- dence (loading), perform stress analyses or calculate effective rigid- ity. FRILO Software GmbH - Applications for structural calculation and design Product details As of: B2 Reinforced Concrete Design The B2 application allows you to perform cross section analyses for bending with longitudinal force as well as shear force.

Frilo statik